Havahart® 6400 Snake Shield™ Snake Repellent Granular, 4 Lbs
Long lasting formula. Effective immediately. Safe for people, pets and plants. Havahart® Snake Shield™ is a unique blend of natural oils and sulfur that successfully repels snakes without harming your lawn, pets or family. Snake Shield™ contains active ingredients that induce a natural and harmless flight response in snakes, safely keeping them away from your home, yard, campsite and more.
- Size: 4 lbs
- Repels snakes
- Triggers a snake's instinctive reaction to avoid the area
- Natural long-lasting formula
- Safe for use around people, pets and plants
- Made in the USA.
Triggers a Snake's Instinctive Reaction to Avoid the Area":
- Snakes are cautious animals that gather chemical signals in the atmosphere in order to understand their environment. These signals are interpreted by a snake's Jacobsen's organ, and then sent to the brain to help a snake navigate. Snake Shield™ blocks this essential communication and disorients snakes, causing them to instinctively flee the area.
Use around virtually any outdoor area such as:
- House perimeters
- Yards
- Flowerbeds
- Vegetable gardens
- Parks
- Trailers
- Fence lines
- Playgrounds.