Terro® T600 Waterproof Ant Dust, Ready-To-Use, 1 Lbs
The waterproof dust won’t wash away in the rain and will remain effective up to eight months. Ideal for crack and crevice treatments. Can be used both outdoors and indoors. Convenient, easy-to-use shaker can.
- Kills ants on contact
- Provides long-lasting residual control up to 8 months
- Waterproof, won’t wash away in rain
- Ideal for crack and crevice treatments
- Can be used indoors or outdoors
- Convenient, easy-to-use shaker can.
- Size: 1 lbs
- Contains Deltamethrin [(s)-alpha-cyano-3-phenoxybenzyl-(1R,3R)-3-(2-2 dibromovinyl)-2,2-dimethyl cyclopropanecarboxylate] (0.05%) and other ingredients (99.95%)
- Ideal replacement for Dursban and Diazanon.
Outdoor Use:
Outdoors, apply Terro® Ant Dust around windows and doors, porches, screens, eaves, patios, garages, under stairways, in crawl spaces and other areas where pests like to hide. To help prevent indoor invasions, apply Terro® Ant Dust thoroughly and uniformly to foundations and crawl spaces where pests are active and may find entrance to your home. To treat fire ant mounds, evenly sprinkle approximately one tablespoon of Terro® Ant Dust over the top of each mound. Do not water in or disturb the mound. Apply when temperatures are between 65° and 80°F and allow three to four days for maximum control. Repeat application if ants are still active.
Indoor Use:
Apply Terro® Ant Dust as a surface, spot, or crack and crevice treatment, to indoor areas where insects crawl and hide. Apply the insecticide lightly and uniformely from the convenient, easy-to-use shaker can, or place into cracks and crevices using a bulbous duster, paint brush or other suitable means.
Pay particular attention to service ducts; wall voids; areas around electrical equipment, water and sewer pipes; under and behind cabinets, refrigerators and sinks; around windows and door frames; along baseboards; and in attics and crawl spaces.
For the treatment of ants, apply Terro® Ant Dust to ant trails, around doors, windows and other places where ants are found entering the premises.
The amount of ant dust to apply will vary with the site but should typically be in the range of 0.5 lbs. of product per 1,000 square feet.