Preen® 304-P Premium Weed Control Landscape Fabric, 25-Year, Black, 3' x 50'


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SKU: 11465443
MFG: 304-P


Stop weeds before they start™. Every gardener enjoys a beautifully landscaped yard, but keeping each area of the garden weed-free is time consuming and a drudgery. Preen® landscape weed control fabric is a great low maintenance solution. Non-chemical weed control product is an incredible time saver that lasts for years.

Ideal for new shrub beds and rock beds, Preen® fabric is a weed control fabric that inhibits weed growth, yet allows water to penetrate to enable desired plantings to thrive. Since Preen Fabric is chemical-free, it is also a perfect weed prevention solution for vegetable gardens. Simply lay it down before planting, cut an X for each plant, then discard at the end of the growing season.

  • Size: 3' x 50'
  • Color: Black
  • Stop weeds before they start™
  • Premium grade L-S fabric, 1.8 oz per square yard
  • Ideal for new shrub beds and rock beds
  • Non-chemical weed control product is an incredible time saver that lasts for years
  • Nothing controls weeds longer than this chemical free weed control fabric.

How To Apply:

  • Preen® landscape weed control fabric is an easy-to-install method of weed control. Simply, remove any existing weeds and grasses from the planting area. Unroll the landscape fabric with adjacent sections overlap 2 to 3 inches.
  • For new plantings, install weed fabric first, then cut x’s in fabric for plant placement. If existing plants are taller than 3 feet, cut weed fabric to the edge and slide around base of plant. If smaller plants are present, lay weed fabric on top of plants and cut an x or circle over each plant and gently push fabric over the top, down to the soil.
  • Anchor edges and seams with landscape fabric pins. Apply 2” to 3” of mulch or stone, deep enough to cover fabric. Since Preen® landscape weed control fabric will not withstand UV rays alone, it must be covered to prevent degradation.

Where To Apply:

  • In addition to landscape beds and vegetable gardens, other uses for Preen® weed control landscape fabric include patios, walkways, driveways, behind retaining walls, potted plants and under decks. Preen® landscape fabric creates a solid sub-base which stops cracking and keeps areas level. It will also help prevent erosion, while allowing drainage. Our landscape fabric also maintains the integrity of a drainfield and keeps dirt from moving out of a pot.


Does Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric contain a chemical?

  • No.

How does Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric work if there are no chemicals?

  • Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric creates a barrier between weed seeds and sunlight.

What is Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric composed of?

  • 100% spun-bond polypropylene.

Must I still use a chemical weed product with Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric?

  • We recommend supplementing Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric with one of our other Preen garden products to help control weed seeds that may be in or on the mulch, soil or stone covering the fabric.

Must Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric be covered?

  • Yes; to keep Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric from degrading, it must be covered with 2″ – 3″ (deep enough to cover the fabric) of mulch or stone.

When applying, which side should face up?

  • Either side. It's easiest to apply Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric by unrolling it.

Must existing weeds and grasses first be removed?

  • Yes.

When should I reapply Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric?

  • Every 5, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years, depending on the grade of Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric you applied initially.

Can I use Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric around, under, or near a swimming pool, sandbox, deck, pathway, playground type areas, under bird feeders, etc.?

  • Yes.

Can I use Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric in or near a greenhouse or any type of enclosed area?

  • Yes.

Can I use Preen® Landscape Weed Control Fabric on a garden slope/hillside?

  • Yes.

Weeds Controlled:

  • Alder, annual bluegrass (Poa annua), annual bursage (Ambrosia acanthicarpa), annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), annual yellow sweetclover (Melilotus indicus), aster (Aster), Austrian fieldcress, bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum), barberry (Berberis), barley, barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli), bedstraw, beggarticks (Bidens frondosa), beggarweed, Bermudagrass (Cynodon), bird vetch (Vicia cracca), bittercress (Cardamine), bitterweed & more.

