Black Flag HG-11108 Flea & Tick Killer Concentrate Yard Treatment Spray, 32 Oz


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SKU: 11719445
MFG: HG-11108


An effective flea & tick control program includes simultaneous, coordinated treatment of the HOME, YARD & PET. Treatment & prevention go hand in hand, so it’s key to treat all three areas. This integrated pest management approach involves inspection, cleaning & targeting eggs, larvae & adults with the appropriate insecticides. Follow-up treatments are almost always necessary as flea & tick problems will not be solved with just a one-treatment approach.

  • Size: 32 Oz
  • Treats up to 5,000 sq ft
  • Kills fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and other listed insects
  • Use on lawns, shrubs and other listed areas
  • Keeps killing for up to 4 weeks, excluding ticks.

Active Ingredients

  • Permethrin: 2.5%
  • Other Ingredients: 97.5%
  • Total: 100.0%

Direction For Use

  • Do not water the treated area to the point of runoff.
  • Do not make applications during rain.
  • Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, storm drains, water bodies or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or after application.
  • Not for use in outdoor residential misting systems.

Hose-End Sprayer Instructions

  • Shake container well before using.
  • Connect a garden hose to the Ready-Spray nozzle. Make sure the dial on the nozzle is in the "OFF" position with the safety tab in the valve notch.
  • Turn on water at faucet. Extend hose to the farthest area of lawn to be treated and work back toward the faucet so you don’t come in contact with the treated area.
  • To BEGIN spraying, point nozzle toward lawn or plants to be treated and 1.) bend the safety tab (located at right of dial) back and hold, and 2.) using your other hand, QUICKLY turn the dial clockwise until it stops and tab engages into notch. Water will automatically mix with the product at a dilution rate of 100:1.
  • Spray until wet to control insects listed. Walk at a steady pace while spraying using an even sweeping motion, slightly overlapping treated areas. One quart will treat up to 5,000 sq ft. Calculate square feet by multiplying length by width. Refer to sight gauge to guide coverage (example: when bottle is half empty, you should have covered half the area).
  • To STOP spraying, QUICKLY turn the dial in the opposite direction of “ON” (counterclockwise) until it stops and the safety tab engages into the notch. Turn water off at faucet. To relieve pressure before removing nozzle from hose, bend the safety tab back and turn dial “ON” until water stops spraying.
  • To STORE unused product, make sure the dial is in the “OFF” position with the safety tab in the valve notch. Place in a cool area away from heat, sunlight or open flame.

Home Lawns

  • Black Flag® Flea & Tick Killer Concentrate Yard Treatment will control ants, armyworms, crickets, cutworms, chinch bugs, fleas, grasshoppers, mole crickets, mosquitoes, non-poisonous spiders, ticks and sod webworms in bentgrass, Bermudagrass, bluegrass, fescue, Irish moss, merion and St. Augustine lawns.

Trees, Shrubs And Flowers

  • Black Flag Flea & Tick Killer Concentrate Yard Treatment will control aphids, bagworms, budworms, citrus black flies, cicadas, elm leaf beetles, elm spanworms, fall cankerworms, inchworms, leafminers, leafrollers, mealybugs, needle scales, oakworms, pine beetles, pine moths, pine needleminers, spider mites, exposed thrips, fall webworms, tussock moths, and whiteflies on ageratum, aster, Arizona cypress, azalea, begonia, birch, cherry, non-bearing citrus, coleus, common ninebark and snowberry, conifers, elm, English ivy, euonymus, exacum, weeping fig, fir, gladiolus, gold bells, honeysuckle, hypoestes, ivy, lilac, marigold, mock-orange, nannyberry, oak, orchid, palm, pansy, pea shrub, petunia, philodendron, pine, poinsettia, rhododendron, rose, snapdragon, taxus, tulip poplar and zinnia.

Storage & Disposal

  • Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.
  • Pesticide Storage: Store in cool, dry area away from heat or open flame.
  • Pesticide Disposal and Container Handling:
  • If empty: Nonrefillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container. Place in trash or offer for recycling, if available.
  • If partly filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.


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