Garden Weasel 95404 Weasel Large Nut Gatherer
Picks up buckeyes, horse chestnuts, pecans, acorns, walnuts, butternuts, hickory nuts, chestnuts, sweet gum balls, golf and tennis balls, lemons, limes, tangerines and more. Comfort grip handle with a durable, flexible steel wire head. Weather and rust resistant.
- 1.5 gallon capacity
- 3/8" steel handle
- Designed to pick up nuts with ease, empties by spreading springs at bottom of basket
- Basket made of durable spring wire with 3/8" steel handle
- Picks up objects 1-1/2" to 3" in size such as walnuts, sweet gum balls, magnolia seed/flower heads and even small fruits
- Does not pick up acorns or pecans
- Easy to use rolling pick up tool, no bending over.