Liquid Nails® FRP-310-G Professional Fiberglass RPP Adhesive, 1 Gallon
This strong-bonding, latex-based wall adhesive is specifically formulated for bonding Fiberglass Reinforced Panels (FRP). It's also low-odor and VOC-compliant, making it a "green glue".
- Size: 1 Gallon
- VOC-compliant
- Strong bond
- For indoor applications
- Excellent adhesion
- Easy water cleanup
- Will not attack foam insulation
- Contributes to LEED® certification
- Contributes toward NAHB National Green Building Standard™ certification of the structure
Recommended For:
- Bonding FRP to cured concrete, wood, drywall, concrete backer board, greenboard, foamboard and NRP panels (non-reinforced).
NOT Recommended For:
- Exterior use or for bonding to painted surfaces or wallpaper. May stain marble or granite surfaces.
Surface Preparation:
- For best results, wall adhesive and substrates should be between 50° and 90°F. Surfaces must be structurally sound and dry, free of grease, dirt, dust, wallpaper, paint or anything that would interfere with a bond. Level any high spots and fill all cracks and holes with appropriate fillers.
Product Application:
- Cut and pre-fit FRP panels. Spread wall adhesive with the recommended trowel over the entire back of the FRP panel. As soon as wall adhesive is spread over entire panel and before wall adhesive skins over (within 45 minutes), set panel in position and press against wall. Press panel firmly into place, working from the center to the edges until full contact has been made. Bracing may be required if walls or panels are not completely straight.
For Application Over Concrete:
- Concrete surfaces need to be dry and completely cured before applying this wall adhesive. When installing FRP panels over below-grade concrete where moisture can penetrate, you must first attach furring strips to the concrete block and then attach a solid surface, such as wood or drywall, to those furring strips. Then continue with standard FRP application.
For Channel Moldings, Permanent Fasteners and Panel Spacings:
- Follow FRP panel manufacturer's specifications.
Drying Time:
- Working time up to forty-five minutes. Very warm, dry conditions will decrease working time. Full cure within one week.
- If the wall adhesive is wet, use water. If the wall adhesive has dried, use mineral spirits.
- 1 Gal. can covers 50 sq. ft.
Max VOC:
- 28 GPL
- ASTM C-557.