Safer® 00280 Deluxe Yellow Jacket & Wasp Reusable Trap with Bait
This Safer® Deluxe Yellow Jacket/Wasp™ Trap lures the yellow jackets to the trap using a pesticide-free food attractant, ultimately trapping them. An economical and convenient solution to the threatening presence of yellow jackets and wasp, this trap comes fully-assembled and ready-to-use. It's easy to clean and can be reused over and over again.
- Kills yellow jackets and wasps
- Comes with 1 trap and 1 attractant
- Contains a pesticide-free food attractant
- Easy to clean and reuse
- Fully assembled and ready-to-use.
- Attracts and traps yellow jackets and wasps
- Easy to clean
- Pesticide-free.
- Contains food attractant
- Fully assembled and ready-to-use
- Refillable and continuously reusable.